The Perfects by Rachel Van Dyken Release and Review

Posted October 11, 2022 by Renee Henson in Reviews / 0 Comments

Everything was perfect. Until it wasn’t.

The Perfects by Rachel Van Dyken is now live!

Find out what happens when their perfect image breaks in #1 New York Times bestselling author Rachel Van Dyken’s steamy new adult romance. Everything was perfect. Until it wasn’t. Until my family took on a foster girl and placed her across the hall from me. A charity case to look good and a person who should have never existed in my world. I kissed her to get her to stop talking, and then I kissed her again because I liked the taste of her words–I liked her. It was our secret until we got caught–that night changed everything. We became strangers living in the same house, seeing the same ghosts of our past mistakes, but I can’t stop thinking about us, about those forbidden moments. I pretend to hate her, I tell her I’ll never forgive her, and then Quinn, my ex-best friend, steps into the picture. I can’t tell if he actually likes her or if he has a death wish and just likes pissing me off, but what do I say? Stay away from my foster sister? She’s mine? I’ve already had her? Saying that to him would expose what we were and ruin everything. We’re all three of us living multiple lies, and eventually, I know our ivory tower of perfection is going to come crashing down. He knows my secrets. I know his. And now she knows both. She wants. He wants. But I always—always get what I want. And what I want is the girl, no matter what it may cost me.

Renee’s Five Star Review I received a copy of this book from the publisher/author to review for Stephanie’s Book Reports.
If you are looking for a book full of angst, secrets, drama and forbidden love then you need to pick up this book and enjoy the wild twisted ride that is The Perfects. When I signed up for this book I was so excited by the description of it that I knew I had to read it right then and there. This is the story of perfect lives that come crashing down. Ambrose is about to have his life turned upside down. His parents told him he is getting a new stepsister whose name is Mary-Belle. When these two meet you just know there is a storm brewing and weather that is a good storm or a bad one, time will tell. She hasn’t been there long at all. If I remember fight it wasn’t even a full day when he kissed her to make her stop talking, but the next kiss is because he likes it and from that moment on they can’t keep their hands off each other until they get busted. That’s the moment that changed his and her life again. In a matter or second nether of them wanted a thing to do with the other. However it isn’t very long until his ex-best friend is interested in Mary Belle and Ambrose can’t let that happen. After all he wants her, he may deny it but he does. Ambrose is a guy who always gets what he wants to. What will happen you ask? Well I can’t tell you that. But I can say this book has twists and turns you will never see coming in true RVD fashion. Your heart is going to shatter a time or twenty and you will need it put back together again before you finish this book. I loved reading this book. It was really good and I loved the wild and crazy ride it took me on.

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Meet Rachel

Rachel Van Dyken is the #1 New York Times Bestselling, Wall Street Journal, and USA Today bestselling author of over 90 books ranging from contemporary romance to paranormal. With over four million copies sold, she’s been featured in Forbes, US Weekly, and USA Today. Her books have been translated in more than 15 countries. She was one of the first romance authors to have a Kindle in Motion book through Amazon publishing and continues to strive to be on the cutting edge of the reader experience. She keeps her home in the Pacific Northwest with her husband, adorable sons, naked cat, and two dogs. For more information about her books and upcoming events, visit

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About Renee Henson

Renee Henson is a wife and mother that has a obsession with reading and reviewing. Especially anything that is dark. Nothing is quiet as exciting to her as reading a good book and then talking about it or making comments while reading with her friends that have read the book too. She is always happiest with her kindle in her hand and her nose is a book. She has been reviewing for Stephanie's Book Reports for seven years.

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