Review of Every Choice by Samantha Rey + Giveaway!

Posted October 8, 2015 by Cassy Witthar in Giveaway, Reviews / 3 Comments

by Samantha Rey


Red is everywhere.
Not just red, blood.
Blood is everywhere.
It is all over me.

Cassie Whitlock has relived that day countless times in her dreams for the past four years. It left more than just physical scars, it has caused her to close herself off to everyone. She no longer believes in love. Love only ends in pain.

That’s why when she meets Luca, she is surprised by the immediate and undeniable attraction between them. She doesn’t want complicated and she knows he’s about to make everything complicated. As their lives become more intertwined, it becomes harder to hide her secrets, and harder to resist him, but when she discovers he has secrets of his own, she begins to question everything. Cassie has to make a choice: hold on to the ghosts of her past or be brave enough to imagine a future.

Can be read as a standalone.

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The Author


Samantha Rey graduated from the University of Mary Washington in Virginia with a degree in theatre and a Master’s in elementary education. While her full-time job is currently teaching third grade just outside of Washington, D.C., her love of theatre, entrancing characters, and never-ending drama has not subsided. She has always loved creating stories and the Every series is the culmination of a lot of hard work and following her dreams. When she is not writing, she is reading way too much, choreographing musicals, grading papers, and spending time with her husband and their dog, Paisley. You can follow Samantha on Twitter @authorsamrey or on Facebook,


TBird’s Review:

Every Choice

5 stars

Wow, this was an intense read; I already feel a book hangover starting.
The author is going to take you on a path of twist and turns and
discoveries that will rip your heart out and leave you breathless.  It
starts out as an average college story, one night stands, girl meets bad
boy, friends try to talk her out of going after bad boy, but shortly after
the first few chapters something changes and you are thrown into the depths
of the hell that Cassie and Luca have lived during the last few years.  The
story goes from entertaining to meaningful right before your eyes and you
are so invested by the time you realize it, there is no turning back for
the reader.

In one night, the loving home and charmed life that Cassie had grown up in
becomes dark and destroyed.  Her world will never be the same again and the
only way she knew how to deal was to deny, ignore and have sex with any man
she could to feel something for a few minutes before the numbness took over
again.  She is in college and living with her two best friends London and
Milo.  You will love those two, Milo brings light and laughter to the
story, London deserves sainthood with her patience and compassion.  London
knows the secret Cassie holds, she has felt the pain of the last four years
and focused her attention on keeping Cassie safe and going forward.  Cassie
sees Luca at a party and decides that night should be spent having hot sex
with him, but he turns her down.  He instantly sees what Cassie is hiding
behind the cold exterior of her heart and he wants no part of her plan.

Luca might appear to be the bad boy with a terrible reputation, but in
reality he is just as torn up with events in his life as Cassie.  Maybe
that is why he could identify the mask she was wearing because he had one
of his own.  Or could it be he was afraid that she might become more than a
one night stand? When he moves in next door to her, they begin a cat and
mouse game, trying to make the other jealous enough to give in and beg for
sex.  It was a safe game they thought because both were too stubborn to
wave the white flag and admit defeat.   It was endearing to watch him with
her and as the events continued to unfold, I found I was falling in love
with his character more than I even thought was possible.

There are times in this story that will have you on your knees overcome
with raw emotions as Cassie faces the reality of what was left behind after
that dreadful night.  Moments that will melt your heart as both Luca and
Cassie take a risk at trust again and events that will make you value the
love you have in your own life even more.  There are so many ups and downs
with this story that will keep the reader turning pages in order to see if
they will find their happy. The writing style is smooth, the action is
balanced and the author truly invited the readers to care about these
characters.  I would recommend this book and say I will be looking for more
work from this author in the future.


Where to Buy


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About Cassy Witthar

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3 responses to “Review of Every Choice by Samantha Rey + Giveaway!

  1. Katherine Riley

    I 1-click all the freebies I find and then also the cheap compilations!!! I have a lot of reading ahead of me!

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