Kylie Tate Series by Anne L. Parks – Tour and Reviews

Posted July 27, 2021 by Christina Gwin in Blog Tour, Reviews / 0 Comments

Titles: Malevolent ~ Revenge ~ Vindication
Series: Kylie Tate Series
Author: Anne L. Parks
Genre: Romantic Thrillers

From bestselling author Anne L. Parks comes both a chilling thriller and moving love story.

Kylie Tate survived a life of dominance and abuse. An up-and-coming criminal defense attorney, she has been assigned to a first degree murder case which could make or break her career. The downside–the second chair is fellow attorney and violent ex-boyfriend, John Sysco.
When she catches the eye of enigmatic billionaire, Alex Stone, she can’t help but be drawn to him. Unfortunately John is not willing to let her go–especially into the arms of another man.
As John’s sanity spirals into darkness, his attempts to get Kylie back escalate, along with the abuse she thought she had escaped. The one glimmer of hope she has is the unconditional support Alex provides. Ravaged by demons from his past, Alex vows to stop at nothing to keep Kylie safe.
But the closer the couple gets, the more Kylie wonders if Alex is truly her savior–or as dark and dangerous as John.

Formerly titled Of Demons & Stones!


It’s been a REALLY long time since I’ve picked up a Thriller Romance novel. Why? Because I’ve spent most of my reading time enjoying other genres. When I was asked to beta this novel, I honestly didn’t know what to expect. Needless to say, I’ve fallen in love with everything about it.

Kylie Tate is a defense attorney. Let’s face it, it takes a special kind of person to be an attorney. Especially one that has to defend someone’s life (whether they’re innocent or not). But as if her cases weren’t difficult enough, her ex boyfriend (also co-worker) is a piece of work. Not only was he a crappy boyfriend, but he’s an even crappier ex. So much so that she’s ruled out dating anyone else for the foreseeable future. That is, until she literally runs in to the hottest billionaire bachelor out there, Alex Stone.

Alex is, yes you guessed it, the billionaire bachelor that every living woman wants a chance with. Being used to THAT attention, he’s not quite sure what to make of Kylie when she helps him with some car issues. Did she NOT know who he was or did she honestly just not care? I guess there was only one way to find out, right? But finding out meant getting to know her and he wasn’t prepared for it. Not only because she’s the most honest woman he’s met in a long time, but because she’s in danger and keeping her safe has become a necessity for him.

THIS BOOK IS AMAZING!!!! Literally. It has everything you look for in a book. The way this author builds her characters makes you feel as though you’re part of the story and living their lives with them. Then you get to not only experience the fear within the thriller, but all of the intricacies that go along with a murder trial. How awesome is that?!!!!

Full disclosure…is there a cliffhanger? Yes. And OMG what a cliffhanger it is. I’m already trying to get my hands on the next one. I NEED MORE ALEX STONE!!!!!!!!!!

Kylie Tate believes the stalker who nearly killed her is dead.
When Kylie learns Alex’s father’s appeal for a new trial has been granted, she jumps at the chance to join the prosecution’s team. There is no way James Wells can go free. Not after he killed Alex’s mother and forced a young Alex to watch as his mother die–unable to do anything to save her.
She believes she has finally escaped John’s sadistic grasp. And she is a survivor.
But the investigation into the death of Alex’s mother uncovers secrets. Secrets which point to someone other than James Wells as the murderer. Could Alex have been responsible for his mother’s death?
But it’s all a lie.
She owes her life to Alex, and deep down she knows he could not have killed his mother. But as more new evidence comes to light, Kylie begins to question everything she knows about the man she loves. When she uncovers proof he has lied to her about what really happened to John the night she was shot–Kylie must decide if she can ever trust Alex again.
And now he’s back–and wants revenge.

Formerly part of the Tri-Stone Series


What a second book to an already captivating first!!! I was so entranced by the first book that I thought, for sure, that I wasn’t going to like the second as much. Welp…I was WAY WRONG!!!

This installment literally picks up where the last one ended, starting with Kylie’s recovery from her near death experience. Now that she feels like her life isn’t in danger anymore, she’s trying to work on her recovery. But she still feels “off”. Mainly because things just don’t feel the same between her and Alex. It’s almost like he’s pushing her away….but why?

There’s no doubt that Alex is madly in love with Kylie. So why would he keep something so important from her? Especially something this big??!!!! And now that she knows the truth, will she ever forgive him, returning to the life she once thought they’d have together? Or is the damage too much?

Seems like there’s only one way to fix everything. One way to make sure she’ll forever be safe and able to truly move on with her life. I mean, she deserves a happy ending, right?

A murderer is released from prison and disappears.
Kylie Tate and Alex finally have the life they have been dreaming of. Happily married, they are enjoying their honeymoon in the Colorado Rockies. But when Kylie is kidnapped, their lives are thrown into turmoil once again. Once rescued, the kidnapper disappears, but not without leaving behind clues to his identity. The man who escaped from prison…Alex’s father, James Wells.
Soon, his body is discovered on Alex Stone’s estate. The cause of death–murder.
When James Wells’ body is found in the boathouse on the Stone estate, all the evidence points to one man–Alex. Now, Kylie is in a legal battle not only for her future, but for Alex’s life. And she vows she will not stop fighting until Alex is fully vindicated.
But if she fails, and Alex is convicted of murder–the punishment is death.

Formerly part of the Tri-Stone Series


I never thought I’d like this book as much as the others. I know, that sounds really cheesy, but it’s true. After reading the first two books and becoming completely vested in not only the story, but the character’s themselves, I guess I thought that the last book would just wrap everything up in a perfect little bow. Man…I was NOT prepared…and I was NOT disappointed.

After finally getting her life with Alex in a place that she could live happily ever after, Kylie’s life turns upside down once again. Becoming a victim to a kidnapping that ends tragically, only to find out that the kidnapper is still out there will do things to you. Add in the fact that the dead body of your finances father turns up in your boathouse and I’d venture to say that ones sanity is pushed to it’s limits. But Kylie doesn’t have time to dwell on her own emotions. She only has one purpose in life now…defending the man she loves more than life itself.

This book is all about going to the ends of the earth for the one you love. It’s amazing what someone will do when pushed to their limits. When Kylie is faced with the possibility of living without her man…move out of the way because she’s not stopping…for anyone! This story really is VINDICATION!!!


(Malevolent) Freya Barker – USA Today Bestselling Author
“A deliciously dark tug of war for control, combined with a nail-biter of a suspense plot weaving through the romantic struggles, makes for an edge-of-your-seat read. Malevolent will leave you eager to find out how Kylie and Alex’s story ends.”

(Revenge) Marie’s Tempting Reads – Blogger
“The second book in this series is more intense and pulse pounding than the first one with a romance that really tugged on my heart.”

(Vindication) Sissy’s Romance Book Review – Blogger
“This book and series has been nothing but a page turning reads. Will be looking for more book from this author.”
Born and raised in the Rocky Mountains, Anne L. Parks has moved all over the United States with her Navy husband. Legally trained, she switched careers and followed her dream of becoming an author. When not writing, she spends her time reading, doing yoga, mountain biking, and spoiling her German Shepherd, Zoe. And drinking wine.

Parks loves to create stories with mystery, plenty of twists and turns, and loaded with suspense. With a background in criminal defense and a military husband, she feels right at home amongst highly trained, somewhat jaded, ready-to-take-out-the-bad-guys alpha males and the strong, brave women who love them, but can also handle whatever life throws at them. Murders, terrorists, courtroom drama…if it touches on the dark nature of humanity, Parks is unafraid of delving into the depths of depravity—and bringing her readers along for the ride.


About Christina Gwin

I'm a wife and Mother of 2 beautiful daughters. I'm an avid reader who enjoys many genres including but not limited to: YA, NA, PNR, and DE.
I'm a professional photographer and I've been blessed enough to have my photos published as covers for some of your favorite Indie Authors.

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