Blog Tour: The Truths We Burn by Monty Jay

Posted February 16, 2022 by Renee Henson in Blog Tour / 0 Comments

Release Date: February 16

Beneath the deepest parts of Ponderosa Springs lied secrets that we never meant to be uncovered.

Blood has soaked the hands of those we trusted most. Decrepit intentions finally come to light.

And now truths are ready to be incinerated in the open for everyone to witness.

I was ready to watch this town that made me the villain, Rot in front of my eyes, but it seems ghosts don’t stay buried here either.

Everyone’s favorite sweetheart has returned to Hollow Heights dragging nothing but unanswered questions and grim memories behind her.

A distraction I can’t afford with the police sniffing around.

A mistake that torched my last piece of humanity.

The dirty little secret that has returned searching for closure surrounding her sister’s mysterious death.

But I know the innocent, lost girl is an act. Underneath it’s just another part of her show.

They all are eating from the palm of her hand, puppets on her string.

But not me.

I see her for what she truly is, I always have.

A fake. A manipulator. A liar.

I won’t let her ruin all we have worked for. I refuse to let her derail our plan of vengeance.

I’ve played your game once before, Sage, now it’s time to play mine.

And you’re not making it out without getting burned.

Renee’s Five Star Review

I received a copy of this book from the publisher/author to review for Stephanie’s Book Reports.

I have to admit that this is the first time I have read a Monty Jay book and I do believe that I am hooked. If you are going to read this book you need to read the first book, The Lies We Steal. Well you actually can read this book as a standalone but you don’t want to miss the first book is is just as amazing as this one. I read it first and then dove into this one as soon as I got it and devoured it just like I did The Lies We Steal.
We find ourselves in Ponderosa Springs is a place where secrets fester and lie corrupt everyone. Things are not what they seem to be in this town because evil lies beneath the ground of this sacred place. Sounds like a scary place to me but I was so excited to be back with the Hollow Boys and if you have read the first book you know that they are not going to let anything lie where it lays. They are coming and everyone should be really scared. I know that I was a nervous wreck. Then enters sage who is the town sweetheart. Everyone loves her. All the boys love her and the girls want to be her. You, I am sure know a girl like that or have in the past. However if you ask me she is as fake as the day is long and she using this to hide her secrets. To say she is going down a deep dark rabbit hole would be a understatement. But never fear she has to get out of this cycle and break free and not be what everyone expects her to be but what she is meant to be and Rook just might be the guy to help her achieve all of this.
Rook is known as being the fire starter in the town. If you see smoke you know that the flames might be a product of Rook and his love of burning things. He is however one of the most loyal people you will ever meet and his boys are his brothers. There a family chosen not born out of blood. Sometimes those are the best families there are. He would do anything that is asked of him for his brothers. When he has a person close to Sage on his list, he finds that he is drawn to her despite that he despises everything that she stands for. However I do have to say that when these two are around each other the sparks are flying and I don’t mean the kind that Rook produces in town. They are pure fire and magic and all the sparks are flying around like crazy. It doesn’t matter weather they are I’m so attracted to you I can not stand it sparks or the kind that fly when you hate the person too. After all there is a fine line between love and hate.
I can’t tell you guys how good this book is and I am so glad that it caught my attention and I was able to read and review it. I don’t want to talk about the story so much as I am terrified that I will give something away that is going to ruin it and I would never ever want to do that. You guys do not want to miss this book. I loved it so much and I just know that you guys will too.

Buy Your Copy Here



Meet Monty Jay
Monty Jay likes to describe herself as a punk rock kid, with the soul of a gypsy who has a Red Bull addiction. 
She writes romance novels about insane artists, feisty females, hockey players, and many more. 
When she isn’t writing she can be found reading anything Stephen King, getting a tattoo, or eating cold pizza.
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About Renee Henson

Renee Henson has an obsession with reading and reviewing. Especially anything that is a dark romance, fairy tale retelling, MC, and is trying her best to love the PNR worlds. Nothing is quiet as exciting to her as reading a good book and then talking about it or making comments while reading with her friends that have read the book too. She is always happiest with her kindle in her hand and her nose is a book. She has been reviewing for Stephanie's Book Reports for over ten years.

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